Base design – Anti-dragon base design tips and attack stratagies

TH7 and early to mid level TH8s are almost always attacked in war with dragons. Designing one’s base with that in mind is paramount. For TH7s, one is most limited as they only have 2 air defenses. With the ability to take out one with lightening spells immediately, one is just not enough to protect the base. A well-thought out base can fool some people, but good players will 3 star every TH7 with ease. For TH8s, base design is critical.

It is important to create you base so that dragons path away from the air defense, but stay within its range. Watch the video below to see how.

Video 1: Dragon Pathing – click to watch

3 thoughts on “Base design – Anti-dragon base design tips and attack stratagies

  1. Are you guys looking for mid to high level TH8’s right now? I’m maxed on dragons, hogs, golems, PEKKA, wizards, archers, heal and rage.

    Have kept my base pretty well upgraded as well, maxed AD’s, working on Teslas and Wizard Towers now. Mostly all pink walls.

    Let me know, my current clan is terrible in Clan Wars and I’m searching for more wins.


    • We are mostly TH8s and still TH7s. We do have TH9s that we do use in war. So yes, you can certainly request to join. Just write that you are coming from the website. We are always looking for serious players who have good DEFENSIVE war bases AND 3 star their equal in war.


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